
Soooooooo I know I’m late posting this week. I decided to wait til I had some updates on my Crait Leia. And they are not great updates unfortunately.

I’m going to carve this post into sections, since I have multiple things to talk about.


Ok I’ll start with Leia since I’ve already said something about it.
I had to go BACK to Walmart last week to get more cheap fabric to finish my mockup. But I think I FINALLY got it sorted….

Still not much to look at but I think the shapes are right and everything seems to be working ok. Picked up some interfacing for the collar on Saturday, the last thing I needed to do the real version. I tinkered some more with the mockup off and on this week, and last night I finally sat down, ripped it apart, and started placing the pieces out onto my fabric. The fabric I bought six hours away in Atlanta and bought 2 extra yards so I’d have plenty. Guess what happened.

So there’s 1 back piece (cut on fold), 2 separate front pieces (need 2 each), and the sleeves (2 each). I got the fronts and back pinned on with the fabric folded lengthwise… and then there was not enough left for the sleeves. So I took all those pieces off and refolded it once width wise — pinned the sleeve on, the 2 front pieces, and there’s not enough for the back.

I THINK…. MAYBE… if I lose some of the width out of the sleeve, I can MAYBE get it to fit. Might have to cut the back at angle which sucks but it’s not like I can run out to Joann’s and buy more of this. I don’t even know what this fabric was exactly, so I can’t call Fine Fabrics and be like “uh yeah I bought a greyish fabric from ya’ll in March and I need more. No that’s all the info I have.”

So I’m going to play with it again tonight. I could NOT get it all laid out properly by myself last night, so I’m hoping if I have Chase help, we move the coffee table and stretch it out in the living room I can figure it out. I’m GOING to figure it out because that’s all I can do short of finding new fabric.

I just really hope my new sewing room in our next house has room for me to have a proper table because laying stuff out in the one tiny area of my floor is a pain in the BUTT.


I originally had this at the end of the post but I decided there was WAY too much text here today to have it buried at the end so I moved it up.

2010 version of the Senate dress:

New one!

Ok this one took longer than any other one I’ve done. Every part of this dang costume has some new different thing on it. I now have mad respect for my friends who have made this costume because it’s CRAZY

2010 Travel Dress:


I was dreading this one because of the all over pattern and it was a bit of a pain, but not near as bad as I thought.

2010 Battle:


I went from ripped to non-ripped. Everytime I tried to draw it ripped it looked weird so I was like… forget it it’s the non-ripped version now. LOL.
Also I think I got the shadow on her neck wrong so I want to try to fix it at some point.

And some new Clone Wars Padmes that didn’t have 2010 versions:

Battle suit.

“Gift” Dress from Ep 21 of the 2D version.

I think that’s it for now. About to go update the art page here.

I do have a couple of these up in my redbubble store as prints …. I’m not done, I’ll be adding more later, so I’m not pushing this just yet, but figured I’d go ahead and share it here.


All the costume stuff is OFFICIALLY at my parents. I said last post I got it all over there… well, I didn’t. I went to start working on the closet in my sewing room and found a ton more. 2 more small bins, 2 large bins, another 2 wig boxes, some wings. Plus I knew I still had Kingdom Come Wonder Woman and Vader helmets to take over. So had to do another run. I got SOME of it in there but the larger bins I had to stack outside the closet door.

Vader says 5 more minutes mom.

But! My big accomplishment this week was finishing the prop/guest room. The only thing left in there now is the bed, a shelf (which is broken so we are going to set it out on the street… (more about that in a sec), and some costume stuff. Since the closet in there was empty, I started putting all the costume stuff we need to keep out in there — I moved my costumes I kept out into that closet, along with Kevin’s stuff – anything I need for ABC or Dcon. I should have taken a pic but I didn’t.

Our closet is also pretty much done. The bedroom is like, 85% done – I just need to clean out from under the bed. The master bath is done. Living room is done. I need to sort out the hall bath (which is where I keep all my costume makeup/hair stuff) and figure out what I can pack in there. Still got a bit to do in Chase’s office and my sewing room, though I’ve taken care of a decent chunk in my sewing room. I need to focus on getting the wardrobe and dresser empty so we can move those into the storage unit. We have to clean the attic out but thankfully there’s not a lot up there – Chase would never let me put a lot up there LOL. And the garage but I think half of what is in the garage is going to get thrown away.

Kitchen is probably the biggest thing left. Kinda started on it the other day. I really need trash pickup tomorrow because our garbage can is FULL and I need to clean out the pantry!
The only REAL pic I have for this moving section is that we got the big white shelf moved out of the kitchen.

We tried to the move the big black one out of the prop room but couldn’t get it thru the door. Had to disassemble it.

So I mentioned setting something out on the street. Last weekend my uncle texted Chase and said on their nextdoor, somebody posted they’d set a nice grill (only used once!) on their curb, free to whoever gets it first. So Chase and I went to get it and it was still there! It was big so it was hard for us to load in the truck (we’d borrowed a truck for moving stuff that weekend, glad we didn’t have to get it in Chase’s SUV).

Well guess what the thing was used WAY more than once. It was disgusting. The bottom was rusted out. So… we basically hauled somebody’s trash away for free. Chase had no idea what to do with this. He had me googling for public dumps. I was like, let’s just set it on the curb like they did and we’ll post on nextdoor like they did and hope some other gullible idiot comes and takes it away. So we unloaded it, left it on the curb, and then went to dinner. Didn’t post about it yet. Came back and it was gone! Hooray!

So I did the same thing with this lamp. We had this cheap Target floor lamp at our apartment, and when we moved into our current house, it got knocked over on move-in day and broke the bulb cover section. So we just threw that part away, and put it in the guestroom for an extra light. At that point it was basically just a stand with a bare bulb on top. Well just a couple of weeks ago when Kevin was over, he stepped on the base, and the base broke. So when I was cleaning that room out, I took it out and set it on the curb. It was gone within a couple of hours.

So this is my new thing. Anything I want to get rid of but don’t think I can sell, I’m setting it on the curb. Because obviously somebody will take it. I have that shelf in the prop room that one of the glass shelves shattered a while back, gonna set that out there unless somebody local wants it first.

Anyway. That section went on way longer than I planned.


We had Mother’s Day over at Nana’s Saturday.

I had to BEG Mema to let me take this pic of her and Mama Gin LOL

The card I got for mom!

Daisy and I starring in a film noir.

And the sequel with Kes.

Not much else to say I guess.


OK SO! I had a dermatologist appointment yesterday. This is going to be a little long, and I realize this whole section is maybe a little TMI. But I think it’s important for women to talk about this stuff openly, because one person’s experience can help someone else, and if we all only talk about it in whispers, it may never get to the ears that need it.

So to recap. Mid-March I picked up the refill of my birth control and it was a different brand. I’ve been on the same generic brand (Ocella) for YEARS. So it was a surprise to see something different (same thing, but Lupin branded). After starting it, I was having regular upset stomach issues (kept chalking it up to something else), and then after about 3-4 weeks on it, my face turned to FIRE. I’d say about 3 weeks in, my skin texture started to get very sand-papery and I was breaking out A LOT. A week later and my entire face felt like I had a very bad sunburn – tight, itchy and very painful. Like every part of my face from my nose down. So I started googling because, at first, I was wondering if it was a reaction to some makeup I was using. Found it’s a common reaction to birth control hormones – perioral dermatitis. Talked to Kristie about it, she said that totally sounds like it. So I stopped taking the meds then and there and literally within like 2-3 days my face was TOTALLY BACK TO NORMAL.

So it was an easy mystery to solve, right? Just need to go back to my old brand.

Well it wasn’t that easy. Kristie did a lot of the phone work for me here, being in pharmacy and knowing the lingo and what needed to be done. She called up my pharmacy and was told they no longer carry the old brand. So we’ll call around and see who does. And one by one, we discovered nobody else does. CVS, Walgreen’s, Kroger, Walmart…. they’re all phasing it out. Not because the medication itself is being phased out, but because the local med supplier is the one who is phasing it out (prob because they got a cheaper deal on the shittier version.) Can’t find a single pharmacy in town who carries it anymore.

So we made a call to my dr’s office. They agreed I should probably go back to the original non-generic med – Yasmin, which I was on before the Ocella generic was introduced and it worked fine for me. But the concern now is — my insurance may not want to cover it, because it’s not generic. The nurse asked if I’d seen a dermatologist yet — told her I had an appointment in a couple of days. She said that’s great, because having those notes from the dermatologist confirming the issue and that I need the non-generic would help if insurance pitches a fit.

The dermatologist appointment yesterday was the easiest dr’s appt I’ve ever had. I actually made the appointment for something else (the increasing acne I’ve been getting for the past year or so, separate from the BC reaction), so we covered both. She was super nice. Prescribed me something to help with the acne. Agreed that I should go back to the non-generic and that I was lucky my reaction wasn’t worse, she said sometimes people need to be put on antibiotics for perioral dermatitis. I was in and out in like 5 minutes.

So I’m not out of the woods yet, but hopefully getting there. Calling back to the nurse at my dr’s office today to get the new RX. Then I need to see what happens with insurance. Fingers crossed. Because I’ve been OFF my medicine completely for a month now and it gives me massive anxiety.


I can’t remember if I did. Our lawn guy was weed-eating and a rock flew up, hit our security door just right, shattered it. This was a couple of weeks ago. Though we were going to have to buy a whole new door right here before trying to sell the house, but thankfully the guy at Lowe’s said we could just replace the glass panel. MUCH cheaper. Yay. Well the new glass panel came in and Chase went to install it and……………. it didn’t fit. It was too narrow! So we had to return it to Lowe’s yesterday and they’re going to reorder it I guess. And now we have to wait another 2 weeks for another door. UGH!


I feel like this entire post has been complaining so here are 5 positive things.

1. I have a hair appointment today! I’m so glad because I’m looking raggedy.
2. I am so thankful to have family who jumped up to help me with this medicine thing.
3. I am getting more exercise thanks to moving. Moving lots of boxes and packing stuff up instead of taking naps!
4. I am really excited about about having a new house. And I feel like the more we get packed up into storage the closer we get. It’s more exciting than anxiety-inducing right now.
5. They announced Celebration will be in Chicago next year? That’s interesting! We’d obviously prefer Orlando but Chicago is more do-able than Anaheim. It’s not something we can even really consider at the moment in the midst of the chaos of moving. But I’d love to be able to go. We can drive and stop and see St Louis friends on the way there or back. Take Kevin and maybe Scott could come down and meet us like we did for C2E2 several years ago? That would be so much fun. We probably wouldn’t be able to stay in a connected hotel (looks like they’re already sold out anyway LOL), we’d probably stay somewhere else and either rent a car like we did for C2E2 or uber in everyday. Just do one costume a day? Bespin Leia, Crait Leia, the new Amidala I’m working on… maybe one or 2 new things? If we know somebody at the Hyatt maybe they’d let me store a bin and change there… hmm. I’m getting way ahead of myself here aren’t I? But it’s fun to think about.

I’m going to have to bring the post down again šŸ™
I just got a call from Kevin’s mom, their cat Fuzz-E crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning.

He was one of the sweetest kitties I’ve ever met. He was still a young cat, though he had a heart defect they were aware of, but this morning he unexpectedly went into heart failure.
I’m just heartbroken for them.